
Name: Sharayaha
Location: NE Portland (33rd and Fremont)

Originally from Michigan, Sharayaha moved to Portland in 2012 to pursue a Bachelors Degree in Musical Performance from Portland State University which she completed in 2016. She has had the great joy and fortune to perform all over the world, from Italy to Austria, Croatia to Slovakia and the U.S.A.

While in Portland she has been able to perform with the Portland Symphony Orchestra, the Light Opera of Portland, Aurora Chorus directed by local composer Joan Szymko, the newly founded Foris Choir directed by local composer Marissa Wildeman and several performances with local composer Lisa Ann Marsh. As a teacher Sharayaha has taught children and adults of all ages in Portland, Slovakia and Croatia. Her main focus in musical study is to create confidence in each students own musical style and encourage growth beyond the students own expectations. She will also help each student create a network of local musicians to perform with in the hopes of creating life long musical bonds between different instrumentalists and singers alike. Sharayaha is excited to be teaching Voice, Piano and Clarinet and loves helping students of all ages strive for competitions, auditions, and better karaoke nights!

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Call or text us at 971-227-4222 or click the button below to fill out the form on our contact page.